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Welcome to Gather the Women! Over the years, we have been successful in creating the global matrix our Founding Mothers envisioned. You are invited to attend any or all of the listed circles and we look forward to seeing you there.


Our circles have always been free, but as a non-profit organization, we are dependent on donations and your help to keep them that way. There is an organization-based cost attached to every circle we provide and we turn to you to help us continue to grow and serve all our sisters. Please consider supporting our growing Sisterhood by clicking the Donate button at the bottom of this page, or by navigating to our Donate page through the link at the top of this page.


Please note that for privacy reasons, and to protect all women who attend Circles, we do not publish the Zoom login information.


Please sign up for the GTW Newsletter and/or join the GTW Facebook Group to receive the Zoom information for our Circles.


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Sage Sisters Image
Long Walk Home Image
Turning of the Wheel Image
Circle of Stones

Monday-Sunday (7 Days a Week) at 8:00 - 8:45 am PT

Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 - 5:45 pm PT

How might your life be different if you had a place to share your truth, to be heard with love and respect?  Come to one or more of the Circles. There is no roll-call, just drop in to speak or be honored in silence.

Circle Conversations

2nd Monday of the month at 5:30 - 6:45 pm PT

This circle covers topics related to leading and/or being in circle. There is a presenter and breakout circles are used for further discussion.

Sage Sisters - On Sacred Pause until 2025

After thoughtful discussion and deep reflection, the Sage Sisters fire tenders have decided to place the Sage Sisters circle on Sacred Pause from November 2024 into 2025. Please watch this space for updates.

The Long Walk
2nd & 4th Sunday at 4:00 pm PT 
Gather the Women has created The Long Walk
, so named because, throughout our days, weeks, months, and years of sitting in Sacred Circle, we become part of the Long Walk of our lives together as we continue to walk each other Home with deep listening, understanding, non-judgment, and love.

The Long Walk has a predetermined topic each week and participants can share on the topic through their own personal stories, insights, and self-discoveries. These will be stories shared at the heart level, not head teachings. 
Turning of the Wheel

This Circle meets on or near each Solstice or Equinox. Visit our Events page to view upcoming dates. Watch for announcements and login details in our Newsletter.

Please consider making a donation to support our Sisterhood


GATHER THE WOMEN GLOBAL MATRIXis a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. At this time it is strictly a volunteer organization, from Leadership to Hosting Circles and so much more. We have a very long table and welcome you to come and sit with us. We have been waiting for your voice. Please consider sharing your Time, Talent, and/or Treasure and help us create the world we want to envision.  


Your tax-deductible donation will assist us in empowering women worldwide. These donations are used to:


(1) Support our educational mission to provide training for facilitators of women's circles,

(2) Provide sponsorship funds to help women attend our Annual Gathering, and

(3) Cover our business expenses such as website maintenance, video-conferencing, and email marketing. 

The DONATE button below links to our Bonterra/Network for Good page where you can choose how you would like to donate and where you would like your money to make the most impact.


Please consider making your GTW donation recurring.












Gather the Women Global Matrix has more Sisters sitting in circles around the world than ever before. 

All you need to do is show up, bring your talking piece and put your voice or your silence into Circle.


Welcome Home, Sister. We have been waiting for you!

Divine Feminine App Logo

If you wish to mail a donation check, please reach out to Debbie King at:

for further instruction.

Image of Women in Circle
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