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Gather the Women Global Matrix invites you to join us in March to celebrate International Women’s Day 2025, which is focused on Accelerating Action for Women’s Equality. Gather the Women will highlight women and organizations worldwide that make a positive difference for women.

Each week in March we will send two emails. The first will spotlight International Women and their work in the world. The second email will have ideas and prompts to incorporate into your daily life.

To receive these additional emails and celebrate International Women's Day with us, please complete the form located

Seasonal Calendar of 8 Holy Days



Imbolc (Candlemas) – 2/3/2025, 2pm, PST

Beltane (May Day) – 5/5/2025, 2pm, PST

Lughnasadh (Lammas Day) – 8/7/2025, 2pm, PST

Samhain (Halloween) – 11/7/2025, 2pm, PST



Ostara (Spring Equinox) – 3/22/25, 9am, PST

Litha (Summer Solstice) – 6/21/25, 9am, PST

Mabon (Fall Equinox) – 9/20/25, 9am, PST

Yule (Winter Solstice) – 12/20/25, 9am, PST

Envision a world where, as the chill of winter lingers, we unite in a universal Circle, exchanging tales from a tapestry of traditions.

Seize the chance to uncover unique wonders and relish the spirit of the season from every part of the globe.

Join us each Sunday for 6 weeks as we explore Winter Tales from around the world!

Registration for this event is now closed.​

February 9 - Katharina Sebert (Germany) - The Story of Jumping Mouse
February 16 - Dale Allen (USA) - The Selkie Woman
February 23 – Ama Diya Dannu, MA, MEd (USA) - The Eternal Return
March 2 - Rev. Joy Reichard MA (USA) - Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth
March 9 - Alejandra Yustas (Uruguay/Argentina) - Legend of the Ceibo
March 16 - Adair Heitmann (USA) - Love Through the Tides of Time: The Ebb and Flow of the Sacred Feminine

The first Gather the Women Conference was held in October 2003 in San Francisco exploring the theme: "Weaving a World that Works for All."
Last year we celebrated 20 years of gathering the women in Carefree, AZ, as together we explored our theme: "Women of Substance."

(Check out the slideshow here!)

2023 Annual Gathering Collage Image
Image of Jeanette LeBlanc with Quote
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