How to Start a Circle
Get Involved - Start a Circle
Gather the Women (GTW) is a global community of diverse women transforming distances, differences, and isolation into opportunities for collaboration and leadership. We invite each of you to take the next step in activating the incredible power of women’s wisdom.
Contact GTW using the Contact Us menu to see if there is a Circle Coordinator in your area.
If there isn't a Circle Coordinator in your area, we invite you to become one!
It’s an exciting, life-changing leadership opportunity.
To find out more, please contact our Circle Coordinator Convener through the "Contact Us" page. -
Download our "Basic Guidelines for Calling a Circle" from "PeerSpirit, Inc." to help get you started.
Creating a circle simply involves bringing a group of women together to start an ongoing conversation, and committing to set aside time and a space for the circle to meet regularly. In a circle, leadership is rotated and the circle decides as a group the direction it wishes to go. Circles can involve a meaningful movie and discussion, book studies, movement, meditation, crafting, and so on.

Circling in California: Pictured from L to R: Marilyn, Nancy, Judith, Angie, and Suzan
How to Open and Close a Circle
Circles are the Essence of Gather The Women
In circle there is no hierarchy and no separation. Circle principles allow women of all backgrounds and denominations to experience leadership. Circles include extroverts and those who have been watching from the sidelines for a lifetime equally. Women who have perhaps spent their lives as introverts are gently held by the group with a respect they may have never experienced. Every woman feels safe and comfortable and begins to speak from the heart.