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Session Nine

I’m sure you’ve heard this: the mind can’t tell the difference between reality and imagination. While that myth has been debunked, visualization (focused imagination) is still a very useful tool that helps our mind align with the experiences we want to create in our own lives.


The first thing to keep in mind is that even though the words we use are associated with sight - visualization, imagination - not everyone can see images in their mind’s eye. The tool of visualization extends out to the five senses, not just sight but hearing, taste, small, and touch. If I ask you to imagine a tropical beach, rather than seeing a sandy beach in your imagination, you might hear the sound of waves, or smell the hot sand, or taste the salt in the air, or feel the cool water on your hot skin. All this counts as visualization.


While your brain may not actually believe the visualization is real, it will believe that it’s possible.




Visualization can be used as one form of contemplation. Rather than using a piece of writing as your prompt, you can use visualization. Imagine (with any of your senses) a place where you feel completely safe and comfortable. Imagine yourself in this place. The longer you stay in this visualization, the more relaxed you’ll be.




Athletes have been using visualization for decades (at least!) to improve their skills. A golfer may imagine making the perfect swing. The more senses they can bring into that visualization, the more possible it feels. The more often they practice, the more possible it feels. Once they step onto the green and take a swing, their performance has improved.


You can use visualization to create more positive outcomes for experiences in your life - relationships, work, and play are just a few areas to consider.

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