Our Vision
​Gather the Women Global Matrix (GTW) is a worldwide sisterhood that connects women through circles, creating a safe space to share our true selves.
In circle we find our voices, reclaim our power, and remember our self-worth.
We celebrate our unique diversity as well as the rising of the Divine Feminine, leading to personal and planetary transformation.
Our Mission
Gather the Women Global Matrix (GTW) is dedicated to awakening the Divine Feminine in leadership. We support women in discovering their voices, empower them to use their voices, and inspire them to channel their voices towards creating positive change in the world. Through innovative leadership models and new program offerings, we joyfully share our knowledge, empowering sisters to build communities and foster global sisterhood, ultimately leading to planetary transformation.
Who We Are and
How We Are Unique
Gather the Women Global Matrix (GTW) is a grassroots organization focused on evolving feminine leadership. Over 20 years, thousands of women have joined GTW to create circles that empower transformative leadership. We believe every woman is a leader, and our model is grounded in the Circle Principles and Practices of Gather the Women.
Our circles provide a safe environment for women to discover their voices, heal, empower, and celebrate the Divine Feminine, balancing feminine and masculine energies. With about 4,000 subscribers in 196 countries, GTW benefits from diverse perspectives and wisdom.
GTW is a global matrix of women, like Indra’s Net, connecting hearts and creating safe spaces for exploration and common ground. We support women in becoming activists, influencers, or whatever they choose, aligning with values of truth, peace, love, non-violence, justice, relationship, understanding, and acceptance. We believe women crave deeper conversations, strengthening their sense of self and confidence to act in the world. As Marilyn Nyborg, a founding mother, said, “When women rise, all of humanity is lifted.”
In Gather the Women, we nurture ourselves and build relationships by sharing our stories, learning, laughing, and crying together.