This page is devoted to news about GATHER THE WOMEN GLOBAL MATRIX (GTW) as we move forward with many exciting changes and opportunities for women to become involved.

Coming in 2024:
Birthing the Divine Feminine:
The Motherline of Gather the Women Global Matrix
This book traces the 20-year lineage of Gather the Women through interviews conducted on Zoom with women who have served in leadership positions in the organization throughout the years. Each woman interviewed was asked the same six questions. Their answers were recorded and transcribed and are presented in this book. What comes through these interviews is a unique glimpse into the beginnings of Gather the Women and circles in general. Each woman interviewed shares how Gather the Women's circle process helped her grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The book provides an experiential blueprint of the power and effectiveness of a circle leadership model and will inspire women of all ages to join or start a circle of their own.

New Logo
Our new logo was designed with the Flower of Life creating a golden matrix covering the globe. The Flower of Life is Sacred Geometry consisting of 19 overlapping, interconnected circles and was chosen for the matrix of our logo because it is symbolic of the union of the divine feminine and the sacred masculine. It represents the unity of all life, the interconnectedness of all beings, and is also representational of the interconnectedness of Gather the Women Circles. It symbolizes eternity, life, the universe, and spirituality representing that our existence is part of a divine, interconnected plan.

New Website Header
Our new website header incorporates the new logo with a tagline that emphasizes our mission. Our organization has always provided circles where women have a safe place to share their voice in a supportive environment and at the same time to hear and explore ideas that may spark their passion to create a more peaceful, harmonious world.

New Technology Partner
Bonterra is a leader in "social good" technology helping to amplify the work of nonprofit organizations who are focused on creating a more sustainable and harmonious world! By partnering with Bonterra, GTW will soon be able to bring our members many new and dynamic features that will enhance our organization's outreach and sustainability while providing our members with new and exciting ways to connect and work together. Click here for more info about Bonterra.​