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Dawn Gandalf

Dawn Gandalf

Matrix Convener | Acting International Convener

There are things I know, things I have learned from deep inside. I have learned patience, acceptance, and tolerance from my relations the TreeElders. I have learned community from BeeSisters, been affirmed by the consistent flow of a river to the ocean, and the hoots of an owl while sending prayers on the wind in the deep silence of the pre-dawn. I have assisted bringing in life, looked into the eyes those leaving and washed/anointed their bodies. I have rocked children and Sisters, shared the “deep end of the pool” with many hearts while gaining respect, compassion and bridging differences. I have felt how healing forgiveness is; and, most importantly, I have loved and been loved. Who else I am won’t be measured by linear standards but by how I show up when called. The best role model in my life is how “S/HE” has shown me infinite patience and generosity, creatively providing “lessons” to grow by through unconditional love and acceptance and no attachment to outcome. I strive to do no less with others. I have been “called” and am ready to continue to serve HER, sharing what I have learned of the Divine Feminine with GTW. I have spoken and I am complete *) featherdawn 9 aka fd9

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